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Contributing with Red Nose Day!

I believe in contributing & giving back! Contributing is a Distress Tolerance skill (DBT-Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skill) that I teach to my clients. It is a Distract Skill in Wise Mind ACCEPTS. Distracting methods work by reducing contact with what is currently causing a person distress.

ACCEPTS is an acronym to help remember possible ways to distract yourself including: Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts and Sensations.

Contributing to someone else’s well-being refocuses one’s attention from oneself to others and what one can do for them. We can distract ourselves from our own pain and difficulty by focusing on and helping others. Through this we can mindfully notice that we are not alone, all humans suffer, and that we can help one another.

Currently I am working to help children in nose at a time! Thursday, May 24th, 2018 is Red Nose Day. Red Nose Day brings people together to have fun, raise money and change the lives of kids who need our help the most.

Red Nose Day launched in the US in 2015, dedicated to ending child poverty, both in the US and in some of the poorest communities in the world. The money raised by Red Nose Day in the US has benefited programs for children and young people in all 50 states and in 34 countries internationally. Globally, Red Nose Day has raised over $1 billion since its launch in the UK in 1988.

I have set red noses out in the lobby at my work to encourage clients and staff to join me in helping children in need and giving back.

If you want to contribute to my mission to help children in need, please visit my fundraising page!

If not this cause, contribute in your own way!

Be well,


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